New Releases in march 2013

We are proud to announce two new releases on Evil Rabbit Records, arriving in March 2013.

ERR 20 entitled Give No Quarter is the first CD by Meinrad Kneer (double bass), Ab Baars (reeds) & Bill Elgart (drums). The trio recorded in 2012 after playing concerts in Holland, Austria and Germany. Powerful improvisations by true masters.

We are also very pleases with another exiting Italian group releasing their CD on Evil Rabbit. ERR19 by Fiorenzo Bodrato (double bass), Stefano Battaglia (piano), Andrea Massaria (guitar), Massimiliano Furia (drums) is called ‘Bartleby the scrivener’, after Herman Melville’s book with the same name.

Fiorenzo Bodrato - Photo by Gil Deluermoz1

Fiorenzo Bodrato – Photo by Gil Deluermoz1

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