evil rabbit records

evil rabbit records was founded in 2006 by pianist albert van veenendaal and double bass player meinrad kneer it’s an independent label by musicians for musicians. our goal is to produce and promote original contemporary jazz and improvised music. the music on evil rabbit records is unmistakably rooted in the european tradition, but always open for authentic ideas and new developments in music.


we aim to create a community of improvisers by providing a platform to bring together honest music and high quality recording. therefore we endeavor to cooperate with like minded artists, to develop this concept over time, and welcome all musicians who share our vision. the sincerity we strive for in the music is expressed by our visual identity, thanks to to lysander le coultre’s design (strangelove creatives) and monique besten‘s photography.


evil rabbit records is a non-profit organization. in subterranean distribution we found a perfect partner for a fair and world wide distribution. it goes without saying that profits directly go to the artists, who also keep the copyrights to their work. we hope that listening to the music on our label offers you as much joy and inspiration as it does us creating it.

meinrad kneer and albert van veenendaal.

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click here to get an impression
of the concept of our packaging

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