robert reigle – tenor saxophone

timbre is the new frontier of music, and i have explored it on the tenor saxophone in performances with iancu dumitrescu, the cecil taylor workshop, and tim hodgkinson. eyvind kang joined me for my albert ayler tribute in seattle (1994), and with steve koenig, we raised the roof at my second ayler tribute, in midtown new york’s st. peter’s church (1998). i founded improvisation ensembles in istanbul, los angeles, seattle, new york, and lincoln. in istanbul, i play with islak köpek and hoca nasreddin, and teach ethnomusicology at istanbul technical university, where i organized the first international and interdisciplinary spectral music conference. i gave the new york, papua new guinean, japanese, and turkish premieres of giacinto scelsi’s tre pezzi pour saxophone, and made the first recording of it on tenor (rather than soprano) saxophone. it is my great fortune to have discussed music over dinner with christian asplund, harley gaber, jonathan harvey, richard nunns, giacinto scelsi, toivo tulev, and tor tungia (an elder of the tungia clan from papua new guinea).