Achim Mohnéstudied photography at the University of Essen as at the Academy for Media Arts in Cologne, Germany where he lives and works since then.

Since 1998, he works as a freelancing media artist. He has developed and exhibited a wide ranging body of work and initiated many projects as actions centering on video installation, public intervention, computer-based communication, surveillance technology and sound.

He started working with record players, cassette recorders and other sound-media-apparatus in the mid-1990s and experiments with the space and time intervals of sound-media and is especially interested in the “music that lies hidden in the medium itself.” His method is to subject the support material to a forensic autopsy.

His most recent project analyses was the transfer data of a Wi-Fi router called Fritz Box/Fritz Kiste (of TouchRadio). His further work features soundtracks for film and theater performances. He was granted with stipends from amongst others Villa Aurora, Kunststiftung NRW or Center for Land Use Interpretation, Los Angeles.